This week has been a HUGE learning/growing experience for me! It's been rough, but Heavenly Father has helped me take the change one step at a time.
Tuesday, we went to visit Sister Shoup and her family for a little bit. She is so sweet. We've tried this new approach of letting them commit themselves to something THEY can handle and then we work on committing them to stretch a little bit. So she promised she would come to church this week. Then we went and looked up some people in the ward that we didn't know and made a list to try and see who we need to focus on this coming week. It's our "Lost Sheep" list. Then we had dinner with the Machan's (Ma-han). They are so sweet! They are from out west and just a joy to be around. They understand that the work is hard here and talk to us like we are human beings not gospel robots. It is probably one of the best experiences as far as dinner appointments go. Their 3 kids are super cute too! Noah is 6, William is 3 and Matilda is 1. Such cuties. (: Matilda crawled in my lap and was playing with my necklace and so I kind of scooted her over (mission rules) and let her wear my name tag for a bit haha! Her parents thought it was funny. After dinner, we tried to see someone in the ward, but her address doesn't in actuality, exist. Go figure.
Wednesday, we did exchanges with Sister Cohen (like the best missionary in the world). We had so much fun! She is so sweet and helped me out a ton! It was a huge relief to have her say I was doing everything I was supposed to, just the luck of the draw I guess. Sister Cohen and I contacted some Former Investigators and one of them is totally interested and wants us to come back!! Talk about awesome. We even went tracting and found some Potentials! That NEVER happens! (: She helped me realize a lot about attitude and keep moving even when it gets hard. We went to see the Garvins ( a FABULOUS family in the ward). We had a pretty powerful experience there. During companionship study, Sister Cohen asked what I felt like we should share with them and I flipped through PMG and stopped on lesson 2 (Plan of Salvation). So I said L2, emphasis on the Atonement? and she said it sounded good. SO we went there and they started telling us a lot of backstory and difficult things they had faced in the last year. I started to direct it to L2 and the Atonement and Sister Garvin TOTALLY takes over and says everything I had in mind. The Spirit is awesome. The Atonement is real. (: So we went to the Book of Mormon discussion group afterwards. We had 5, I repeat 5!!!! People at the class. WHAAAT?!?!?
Thursday was district meeting. Same old same old d: haha! Elders are goobers. But probably not as much as GRACIE who sent me a TOOTH in the mail. What the heck Baby?!?! uhhh yeah that was pretty sick d:The little weirdo.
Friday, we went to the mission office to figure out some stuff and Elder Davidson (our District Leader) talked to Sister Stocking and I about how to plan and use our time was good. Then because we played "Office Secretary" to Sister Bentley while the Elders rearranged the furniture. That's what they do. haha! Sister Buehner gave us some money for helping out and we went and got pizza for lunch with the Elders. It was weird haha! But food is food d: Then we went to see Dana, a Less Active. She was sweet and wanted to come to church but her husband plays softball on Sundays so when that is done, they will come. We tried to see a whole bunch of people, and in the process, I lost my name tag /: luckily, I have an extra one, but I had to order a new one /:
Saturday was weekly planning and it only took 3 hours this time!! Whaaat?! Then we helped rip down a shed and yeah. That was our day haha!
Sunday is pretty much the bomb. I LOVE SUNDAYS. I talked a little bit to Sister Garvin at church after sacrament meeting. She is so nice and was checking up on how I was doing. (': Then I gave a thank-you note to Sister Machan for dinner on Tuesday and she said we were "sweetly old fashioned" haha! I love them. Next time we have dinner with them, we are making them cookies because they are feeding us EVERY. OTHER. WEEK. And the Elders too! They are saints. So our dinner appointment cancelled but brought us lunch instead. So after studies(I'll talk about that in a little bit), we got a text from Sister Garvin making sure we had dinner that night. Of course we didn't so we went over and it was so much fun! When Sister Garvin told her daughter, Bella(3), that I was coming over for dinner, she said "OH! I love Sister Crockett! She is such a good friend to have!" I about died laughing as they told me this! Such a cutie! (:
So that was our week. My studies this week have been pretty intense. Heavenly Father has a lot to teach me apparently. I have resolved to give everything to Him while I serve. This means if it takes me longer to get back to you while writing, please understand. I want to hear from you!! I will just take longer to write back from now on. You are always in my prayers. Carry on!!
Sister Crockett
Evans St!! (: couldn't help it! d: haha! Shout out to Kelcie (;
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