Monday, February 3, 2014

Cold Weather and the Superbowl

Weeellll HELLO FAMILY!!! (:

What a mighty crazy week this has been. So long and so short all at the same time!

The weather has been CRAZY here which has made being a missionary nigh impossible, but luckily it's warming up! (:

Tuesday, because of the weather we just hid out in the morning until it warmed up enough to go know, like 6 degrees d: We went to correlation and it was pretty typical. We didn't get a lot accomplished unfortunately, but then again, we never really do haha! We went to the LaFond's for dinner and a nice bowl of soup is SO good on a chilly day. They are actually moving to Arizona in the summer. Smart move? I think so haha! They are moving to the Scottsdale area. We then went of team-ups with Sister Goettman and saw Vicki. She was in a way better mood than we have ever seen her. Her cancer is almost gone and she starts radiation pretty soon. Maybe we can get her to come to church after this is all over!

Wednesday was pretty similar to Tuesday actually. Sister Neeley came and got us in the afternoon and we saw Carol and she is doing so much better than she was! She is recovering from her surgery really well and she knows it is because of the priesthood blessing she got beforehand. She is trying to get to church but her shoulder is really bothering her. Someday! We saw Sister Smego and then went to the King's for dinner.

Thursday was our district meeting and interviews with President Topham. The Tophams are SO trunky haha! They go home in June and are so excited to see their grandkids again. I had a really good talk with him and it was a good experience. After lunch we went with Sister Hays to see Dobi, our investigator. Because he took a new type of medication he fell asleep five minutes after we showed up. Luckily, we had invited his roommate, Anthony, to sit in on the lesson. When we asked him if he believed that Christ's church could be on the earth again today, he said, "of course. It was so it can be." We asked him to be baptized after he came to know that Joseph Smith is a prophet and the Book of Mormon is true and his response? "Well, that's what I would need to do right?" HE IS SO SOLID!!!!!!! (: He is from Jamaica and ran track for West Virginia. He was a civil engineer and has a car! I am so excited about this because it is such a rare thing in PA to find someone with BOTH traits haha! I love the people, but they struggle. It's amazing how much the gospel enables them to improve the quality of their lives too! After that we went to Sister DeBaker's for dinner. Missionaries are supposed to strengthen the members as much as the investigators.

Friday we did weekly planning for forever. Seriously, the least favorite part about the mission. -__- haha! It was super hard because our car will be in the shop this week...roughin' it! d: We saw Sara though and that was pretty awesome! She said she wanted to come to church on Sunday, but want and doing are 2 very different things. We saw a less active named Betty who is currently living with her daughter and granddaughter, who aren't members. Then we went to dinner at Sister R. Neeley's house. She is 87 and still doing awesome. She made us pork chops, green beans, and bread and a whole bunch of other yummy stuff! (: She is the sweetest. We saw another less active and Wendy. Wendy was really struggling when we stopped in. I am so glad we did because we were able to help a little bit. She just had a really rough week and she was appreciative that we stopped in.

Saturday was a tad dramatic. We helped the Stapletons with their house. They have an old fixer-upper from the 1900's and so we prepped the living room for painting (i.e. spackeling, sanding, washing, taping, etc.) Crazy stuff. We saw Lorraine after getting cleaned up and she wasn't feeling well unfortunately so she wasn't going to come to church. After that we tried Francis and her boyfriend. It's amazing to me how no matter how long I am on my mission, I still get hurt by rejection. It stings as much as it did that first day I tracted. It still hurts as much as when that lady said I didn't believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior. It still smarts as much as when a less active told us to stop visiting because she would never be worthy enough to enter the temple. It breaks my heart. And yet, the joy of hearing someone accept the gospel, keeps me going. I still feel joy when Faith cried saying that she was so glad we stopped by. I still feel peace when I think of Agnes saying I helped her feel closer to Christ. I still feel happiness when I saw Rasheda come out of the water after making a covenant with our Father to live by His rules. Oh how much the gospel changes lives to those who will only give it a chance! No matter what happens, I am resolved to live the gospel my entire life, no matter the cost. I have seen the other side of it and I don't want that for me, my family, or my future loved ones. The true cost comes when I forsake the teachings of Christ and think I know how to get back better than He does. I see how prideful I am, but luckily He still loves me and is helping me overcome my weaknesses.

Despite all of this, Rasheda called us and said that it was too depressing to come to church and to see all of the families and know that she doesn't have that. We talked her into coming to church on Sunday but it would prove to be a battle.

Sunday the ward was phenomenal with Rasheda. Everyone came to her aid without asking why. They just stepped up and filled the need. They are so wonderful to these recent converts. Yet, Rasheda still felt alone and Char helped her talk to the Bishop about it and we have a plan of action. The church is run by inspired men. She is going to attend some of the young single adult activities and some of the ward members are going to help with Aniyah. Thank goodness for ward families.

We went to Sister Smego's after church to check in on her. Then we went to the Week's for dinner and talked a lot. The Superbowl really put a damper on any plans we had so we went to the Green's for some good family games. It was so fun! Love them to death!!

That was my hectic week. I can't believe how quickly the days are flying by! I mean it is already February! How did this even happen!!! d: I hope you all are doing really well and I can't wait to hear from you! (:


Sister Kaitlyn Crockett

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