Well! Here is another fabulous week coming right atcha!! It has been so much fun! We did so much service this week it isn't even funny! We had a great time and it's wonderful to be here in the Mon valley!! (:
Tuesday we scrubbed down Sister Menzar's walls. It was awesome cuz we just talked and worked and it only took 4 hours!! 0.o haha! After being on a ladder the whole time I was a little sore but it was a good sore. We tried to contact some peeps before dinner but that didn't go according to plan (like anything really does haha!) We tried to have Book of Mormon class, but no one showed up...so we left. We saw a less active/part member family, the Carroll's. They were nice, but not really interested in ever coming back to church. We'll continue to work on them! We did get a return appointment with another less active member, Sister Woods. All in all it was a really good day and pretty productive!
Wednesday we had district meeting in Uniontown which is a million miles away. Geez haha! It was pretty good and I like all the missionaries in my district. After the meeting, we went to Dena and Marcus' and did some more service and we had Rachel, a recently returned missionary come with us. I scraped paint with some macho hair dryer and scraper...what? I don't know! It was just hot and melted the paint haha! We came home and made cookies for Dena and Marcus because the had a stressful day ahead of them. After dinner, we went to the Family History Center to learn more about the website and how to work it. I ended up finding people!! I was SO excited! Sister Crook, who was helping me, laughed at how excited I was haha!
Thursday was a pretty crazy day for me....I hit my year mark. I have been on my mission for one year. I can hardly believe how the time has passed. I can't imagine how fast it will pass in the future. I am so grateful for the time I have had on my mission and the lessons that Heavenly Father has seen fit to give me!
We did service at the senior center. We walked in and a less then friendly lady said "The Mormons are here." Yes. We have arrived. We talked to the lady who runs the hair salon there, Laurel, about the church for a good 15-20 minutes. It was pretty great. We are getting a lot of potential investigators from it! We then helped serve and clean up lunch, then it was lunch time for the little sister missionaries! We then went and taught Marissa about scripture study and prayer. She is understanding a little bit better every time we talk with her which is wonderful! She is so funny. She talks like a Valley Girl and loves to say "Sister CROCKett." putting empasis on the 1st part of my name haha! She is silly and very sweet. We then went and taught Vi. She is an older lady with a lot of health problems. She actually told us she doesn't want to go to the temple because it is too far away. /: it nearly broke Sister Rock's and my heart! If only a temple was closer. We went to Tim and Tanja's and talked about the light of Christ and prayer journals. They both agreed to try and keep a prayer journal and it was wonderful! Tanja was really excited. We went to Sister Woods' house after that and talked with her so we could understand her better. She lost her dad about 5 years ago and has been really angry with God since. She said that she is starting to come to terms with it but she isn't ready to pray. She shared a really cool experience that helped her get through the tough time and I said that, Heavenly Father is still going to give us answers even if we don't formally pray for them. I explained that sometimes I will just talk to Heavenly Father and ask Him things like He is sitting in the very room. I usually receive the most profound answers to my prayers! He is amazing and really loves us!
Friday we did good ol' weekly planning. Then we headed over to our investigator, Sherrie's, house. Two hours later....we got 10 minutes of talking. Pennsylvania likes to talk. haha! We went to dinner at the Mosser's and it was SO much fun! Brother Mosser said "Did you know that the Catholics have started doing baptisms for the dead??" I was really shocked and said "NO!! I knew they were sending out missionaries but baptisms for the dead?" He said "Yeah! They just put in a new sprinkler system in at Sacred Heart cemetery." So goofy haha! We finally made it to Sister Latkanich's and picked up some random food from her and shared a quick spiritual message. Then it was time for our bed time!! (:
Saturday we went to breakfast with our investigator, Cheran because it was her birthday. We then went to Marcus and Dena's and I sanded down what I had scraped off a few days before. I am learning so many different skills it isn't even funny haha! We hope to help them move in this coming Saturday. We went to the Sullivan's and they fed us dessert. So I was hoping to stop having seconds and or sweets. So instead I second sweets. Geez Louise.
Sunday was really good except I got double teamed!! I gave the opening prayer AND had to speak. Oh well, more blessings for me! (: The Mosser's brought a friend and afterward she came up and said "That was so sweet what you said! I almost started crying but I held it together. You come to my salon and I will give you free gel nails because you almost made me cry." ummm...ok. haha! How about, we share the gospel with you and you can have those feelings ALL the time. Deal. We ended up teaching the 12 year olds about the Atonement. They were really sweet. I probably talked too much, but it was pretty good. We went to dinner at the Ader's home and taught Brittany and her mom. Brittany is a less active and her mom isn't a member. We talked about prayer and they both were nodding along, so hopefully some progress will be made there!!
So our week was pretty fantastic. A lot of it turned to the Atonement. I had an interesting experience during the sacrament. I always try and read the words to "I Stand All Amazed" but when I was on the stand, I was really nervous and couldn't focus as well as I wanted to. The Sacrament came and went and I felt that I hadn't contemplated my Savior's sacrifice enough. But as we taught the Atonement in Sunday School, I had a whole 35 minutes to ponder it and the wonderful things that have resulted because of it. I know that I am here today because of the enabling and strengthening power of grace. In a April 2012 Ensign article by Elder Bednar, he suggests that we place 'strengthening and enabling power' where the word 'grace' appears in the scriptures. There is a lot more to the Atonement that I formerly believed. I know that my Redeemer lives.
I love you!! Thank you for all of your prayers and letters! They make my day!!
Sister Kaitlyn Crockett
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
The SON is Out!!
Well hello there! Guess what? It's time for another fun email haha! It's been a pretty crazy week all over the place! It was nice and busy and the weather started to pick up after the dumb blizzard we had! haha!
Tuesday was a strange day for me. We did exchanges Monday night so I headed to Pitt 2nd for the exchange. 0.o WHAT?! haha! It was so weird to be in one of my old areas again. But it turned into another answer to my prayers as to why I am here. Sister Romero, the sister that I went with, has only been in the area for a transfer and so she didn't know a whole lot about it and so I filled her in a little bit with what I remembered. The sisters weren't able to see Agnes at all. So that was on the list of to-do's. Agnes got close with me and Sister Montgomery so I figured I might be able to get in a little bit easier. So we saw Sister Shoup and her situation is about the same as it was when I left....except she got a tattoo... 0.o weird. We tried some former investigators that I had previously taught and gave them a few more leads. We stopped in to see Agnes and she was really surprised to see me! I told her that she needed to continue to meet with the sisters and she agreed....after she called me fat d: hahah! Oh man. I walked in the building and she said "Sister Crockett!! You are here!! And so..." then she motioned with her hands wide. Right...6 months to slim here I come haha! So awkward. haha! We did get to see the Garvins and they were happy to see me. Sister Romero said she had never been to their house before. I was stunned, but glad I could help open some previously closed doors...even with the members. Then I came back to the Mon. Sister Rock and I went to Book of Mormon class and then to Sister Braddy's for a lesson.
We watched the mormon message, "Because of Him". It's the new one from Easter and I love it SO much.
The message is so powerful. Just as President Uchtdorf said in his last conference address, there are no endings, just everlasting beginnings.
Wednesday was really wasteful. We went to Zone Training and I didn't know how much I would miss my zone until I was here. It was still good and I learned a lot, but it was just not my zone. But we had to get our car checked out at Toyota because it is acting up. So we wandered around Washington. We finally got to our car back and went to visit a less active/recent convert named Aja (sounds like Asia). She was busy and didn't seem like she was expecting up, even though we set up an appointment. We then headed home but our GPS got us totally lost! We were on some back road and it was ridiculous haha! We then went to the church to learn how to use Family History and it was super interesting. I found some more kids on a lady on Mom's side, but still no luck with her parents. Sister Rock has a line that can be traced all the way back to Adam....pretty awesome.
Thursday was pretty crazy. We got a lot accomplished. We went to the Senior Center for service and helped serve lunch and clean up afterwards. Everyone kept asking about our name tags and if 'sister' was our 1st name....that's super weird. But everyone kept asking when we were coming back. It was really sweet. We then went to Marissa's and had a lesson outside because it was BEAUTIFUL!! finally! haha! Then we saw Tanja and that lesson was so by the Spirit it wasn't even funny. At one point, I was recounting the "You are Special" book to her. She cried through it and offered the most bomb prayer I have heard! She was totally talking to Heavenly Father, just chatting with Him. It was amazing and I wish I could pray like her. Some day. She and her husband Tim, are recent converts and add so much to the ward. It's amazing. And hopefully their son TJ will become a new investigator soon! (: We went to dinner then saw Vi and talked to her about happiness. She is an older lady who needs visits and that is the main reason we stop by.
Friday was super busy as well. And shocker, I went to another funeral for another guy that I don't know....my life as a missionary sometimes haha! Then we blitzed to the Sullivan's, some less actives. We had lunch with them then talked about Joseph and Hyrum Smith. It was a pretty awesome lesson because the only reason they are less active is because of health. We went to Sister Latkanich's and straightened out her mail for her because she has been in the hospital for a while. That took a huge chunk of time. When we had dinner and got back to work, nobody was home. It was ridiculous. So we took pictures in front of a pretty fountain haha! All in a day's work.
Saturday we went to correlation, then weekly planning. We did it outside because, well, it was nice! So our neighbors, who are members, threw a water balloon at us and SOAKED Sister Rock. It was kinda hilarious. Like a lot haha! We tried some less actives after dinner then tried our potential. She was telling us some horrible things that were happening to her family and her life. When the person she was talking about came out of her house, I said we would stall by talking about God. I figured that was a good answer haha! We read from the Book of Mormon about Christ coming to the Americas and she really liked it. We asked if she would like us to come back and explain it more and she said she would so we are going tonight to see her again! After the lesson, we saw Sister Honich. She is active but pretty lonely since her daughter moved out. She is the cutest lady ever!! Love her to death! She is so funny and great to be around!
Sunday was a wonderful Easter!! We went to choir and sang in the Easter program. The talks were really good and we had 6 less actives at church! That is so unheard of!! We were so pumped! Everyone kept giving up food and it was great haha! We then went to dinner at the Hammond's house. They asked us for traditions. We didn't have a lot but when we got there, they had Easter baskets for us. I hate hunting for things, so the 4 year old, who hid them, helped me find them all haha! It was so cute!! After dinner, we went to Sister Fitch's. She is the cutest old lady! She is very lonely and has a really hard life, but she is so positive! I love her dearly!
So with this wonderful Easter season, a lot of churches have crosses with purple, red and white clothes draped on them. One had a sign out that talked about telling everyone that Jesus lives! But one I particularly liked (because it was darn clever) and stuck with me says "The tomb is empty and the Son is out!" Especially being in dreary, rainy and cold PA, I never knew how much I would miss the sun on my face! But as the clouds have cleared, I am so grateful for the warmth and light that it provides. There are people that are living in spiritual "PA." Some may have been there their whole life and never realized how wonderful the Son is. How much warmth and light He provides. I count myself lucky to have lived where the Son (and sun) always shines. I can always feel the warmth on my face when I turn towards the Son. Happy Easter!!!
I love you all very much! I hope to hear from you soon!!
All my love,
Sister Kaitlyn Crockett
Tuesday was a strange day for me. We did exchanges Monday night so I headed to Pitt 2nd for the exchange. 0.o WHAT?! haha! It was so weird to be in one of my old areas again. But it turned into another answer to my prayers as to why I am here. Sister Romero, the sister that I went with, has only been in the area for a transfer and so she didn't know a whole lot about it and so I filled her in a little bit with what I remembered. The sisters weren't able to see Agnes at all. So that was on the list of to-do's. Agnes got close with me and Sister Montgomery so I figured I might be able to get in a little bit easier. So we saw Sister Shoup and her situation is about the same as it was when I left....except she got a tattoo... 0.o weird. We tried some former investigators that I had previously taught and gave them a few more leads. We stopped in to see Agnes and she was really surprised to see me! I told her that she needed to continue to meet with the sisters and she agreed....after she called me fat d: hahah! Oh man. I walked in the building and she said "Sister Crockett!! You are here!! And so..." then she motioned with her hands wide. Right...6 months to slim here I come haha! So awkward. haha! We did get to see the Garvins and they were happy to see me. Sister Romero said she had never been to their house before. I was stunned, but glad I could help open some previously closed doors...even with the members. Then I came back to the Mon. Sister Rock and I went to Book of Mormon class and then to Sister Braddy's for a lesson.
We watched the mormon message, "Because of Him". It's the new one from Easter and I love it SO much.
The message is so powerful. Just as President Uchtdorf said in his last conference address, there are no endings, just everlasting beginnings.
Wednesday was really wasteful. We went to Zone Training and I didn't know how much I would miss my zone until I was here. It was still good and I learned a lot, but it was just not my zone. But we had to get our car checked out at Toyota because it is acting up. So we wandered around Washington. We finally got to our car back and went to visit a less active/recent convert named Aja (sounds like Asia). She was busy and didn't seem like she was expecting up, even though we set up an appointment. We then headed home but our GPS got us totally lost! We were on some back road and it was ridiculous haha! We then went to the church to learn how to use Family History and it was super interesting. I found some more kids on a lady on Mom's side, but still no luck with her parents. Sister Rock has a line that can be traced all the way back to Adam....pretty awesome.
Thursday was pretty crazy. We got a lot accomplished. We went to the Senior Center for service and helped serve lunch and clean up afterwards. Everyone kept asking about our name tags and if 'sister' was our 1st name....that's super weird. But everyone kept asking when we were coming back. It was really sweet. We then went to Marissa's and had a lesson outside because it was BEAUTIFUL!! finally! haha! Then we saw Tanja and that lesson was so by the Spirit it wasn't even funny. At one point, I was recounting the "You are Special" book to her. She cried through it and offered the most bomb prayer I have heard! She was totally talking to Heavenly Father, just chatting with Him. It was amazing and I wish I could pray like her. Some day. She and her husband Tim, are recent converts and add so much to the ward. It's amazing. And hopefully their son TJ will become a new investigator soon! (: We went to dinner then saw Vi and talked to her about happiness. She is an older lady who needs visits and that is the main reason we stop by.
Friday was super busy as well. And shocker, I went to another funeral for another guy that I don't know....my life as a missionary sometimes haha! Then we blitzed to the Sullivan's, some less actives. We had lunch with them then talked about Joseph and Hyrum Smith. It was a pretty awesome lesson because the only reason they are less active is because of health. We went to Sister Latkanich's and straightened out her mail for her because she has been in the hospital for a while. That took a huge chunk of time. When we had dinner and got back to work, nobody was home. It was ridiculous. So we took pictures in front of a pretty fountain haha! All in a day's work.
Saturday we went to correlation, then weekly planning. We did it outside because, well, it was nice! So our neighbors, who are members, threw a water balloon at us and SOAKED Sister Rock. It was kinda hilarious. Like a lot haha! We tried some less actives after dinner then tried our potential. She was telling us some horrible things that were happening to her family and her life. When the person she was talking about came out of her house, I said we would stall by talking about God. I figured that was a good answer haha! We read from the Book of Mormon about Christ coming to the Americas and she really liked it. We asked if she would like us to come back and explain it more and she said she would so we are going tonight to see her again! After the lesson, we saw Sister Honich. She is active but pretty lonely since her daughter moved out. She is the cutest lady ever!! Love her to death! She is so funny and great to be around!
Sunday was a wonderful Easter!! We went to choir and sang in the Easter program. The talks were really good and we had 6 less actives at church! That is so unheard of!! We were so pumped! Everyone kept giving up food and it was great haha! We then went to dinner at the Hammond's house. They asked us for traditions. We didn't have a lot but when we got there, they had Easter baskets for us. I hate hunting for things, so the 4 year old, who hid them, helped me find them all haha! It was so cute!! After dinner, we went to Sister Fitch's. She is the cutest old lady! She is very lonely and has a really hard life, but she is so positive! I love her dearly!
So with this wonderful Easter season, a lot of churches have crosses with purple, red and white clothes draped on them. One had a sign out that talked about telling everyone that Jesus lives! But one I particularly liked (because it was darn clever) and stuck with me says "The tomb is empty and the Son is out!" Especially being in dreary, rainy and cold PA, I never knew how much I would miss the sun on my face! But as the clouds have cleared, I am so grateful for the warmth and light that it provides. There are people that are living in spiritual "PA." Some may have been there their whole life and never realized how wonderful the Son is. How much warmth and light He provides. I count myself lucky to have lived where the Son (and sun) always shines. I can always feel the warmth on my face when I turn towards the Son. Happy Easter!!!
I love you all very much! I hope to hear from you soon!!
All my love,
Sister Kaitlyn Crockett
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Warming Up and Counting Chickens
Well, here is the low down! I am STILL in Pittsburgh! I am in the Monongahela ward with Sister Rock from Utah. She has been out 3 months and we are having a blast up here! I am still trying to get used to a new area, but it's been so much fun. I know I am here for a reason. There are 2 girls that have recently gone less active that I have met previously. Paige was up in Beaver visiting because the Elders were baptizing her mom. We had a pretty good friendship going for a while but then she stopped coming up there. But I know her better than the missionaries here! And Aja was baptized in the Washington PA ward. I met her when I went on exchanges with Sister Cohen FOREVER ago. But again, no one else knows her at all! Pretty crazy how the Lord works!! Oh and thanks for sending the warm weather my way!! Yesterday it got up to 85!!!!! I am SO ready for summer it's not even funny haha!
So Tuesday was a crazy day! Sister Hanseen and I went and saw Renea and Wendy before I left. They were both so sweet! I am going to miss working with them! We came back to our apartment and waited for Sister Walborn and Sister Larsen to show up then we hightailed it out of there. Sister Walborn and I had a super great talk. She said that as she was leaving her area, a member told her that the 1st year is for you. You figure out what you are doing as a missionary, you learn as much as you can and you find out more about the gospel. The last 6 months are for the Lord. This is where you really forget yourself and go to work. You give everything you have and you make it all about Him. His children, His investigators, His work.
So we got to transfers late, but not too bad. We just got a little lost in down town Pitt, no big deal haha! I saw Monty because she was GOING HOME!!!!!! My trainer is home now ): It's so weird! I remember joking with her that I would be at 11 months when she went home and that I would never reach that. But she is home now! *freaking out!* Anyway, so another sister and I headed down to Washington to meet our new companions! Sister Rock is so sweet! I know we are going to have a lot of fun! (: We went to dinner at the Lang's who are related to somebody from Beaver (all of the members in PA are related...it's just a fact). Then we headed off to Book of Mormon class at the church. We came home and I attempted to unpack.
Wednesday was stressful just because I felt like a greenie ALL over again. It's probably the best and worst things about transfers, new areas.One funny thing that I realized is that in my 1st area, I was by the Allegheny river, then Beaver is by the Ohio river, and now I am serving by the Monongahela river. The 3 main rivers in Pa haha! What on earth? After studies we had to feed our neighbors' chickens...that became quite the adventure later on.We ended up visiting a RC named Marissa who is hilarious. She is a little different but her love for the gospel is the same. Next we saw Sister Braddy who is less active. She served a mission in Brazil and loves to talk about her mission. She does still love the gospel but some trials in her life have stopped her and her husband from coming. I did learn something interesting as I was preparing for her lesson! We talked about hope and in True to the Faith it says that hope is active. Hope is active on both ends. We have to actively seek hope through scripture study, prayer, attending church etc and when we go through a trial hope kicks in and actively carries through the trials we can't face on our own! How awesome is that?
We saw Tim and Tanja, recent converts. They are so funny and we had a good discussion on fasting.
Thursday we visited Sue, a less active member. She is progressing quickly which is nice. She was a really strong member a while ago I guess. We talked about Conference and learned a lot from each other; those are the best lessons. Then it was time for District Meeting. President and Sister Topham were there for interviews. Sister Topham is so cute! haha! She was all excited about hashtags and memes that the church is putting out to flood social media for Easter. haha! The members of the district are Elder Green (6months), Elder Packard (18 months), Elder Klima (6 days) and Elder Jenkins (less than a year). Everyone is so little haha! I am OLD. haha! We saw a potential investigator named Sherrie and she has been going through a lot and so she shared a lot of what she has been facing. At the end she apologized for not allowing us to talk about God. She said next time we could have a discussion. So there is some potential there!
Friday was crazy! We went to a non member's house that Sue had referred the sisters to. They were fixing it up so that they could move in. We were helping them get their floors ready for carpeting. We walked in and asked Dena for some rags to wipe the floors down. She was crying and ended up telling up a lot of stuff that her and her family had been facing. She kept asking "Where was God then? I know He is real, but where was He then?" Sister Rock did awesome saying that people have their agency and sometimes we suffer because of their poor decisions. But God is always there to help us through those times because He loves us. She thanked us for coming to help and said that she knew we were sent to help them not just with the house but spiritually as well.
So we came home to a loose chicken. I herded her up the hill toward the cage but we had to refill the water dish. ALL OF THE CHICKENS ESCAPED!!!!!!! They are the dumbest animals I have ever seen! haha! It took forever to get them back and we couldn't catch 3 of them. So we did weekly planning and then went to the Bishop's house for dinner. We had a meeting before and it was pretty good.
Saturday the sun was shinning! (Today's the day! The sun is shinning! The tank is clean! *gasp* THE TANK IS CLEAN!!) We had correlation with our WML, Brother Wood, who served in this mission 3-5 years ago...weird? A little haha! But he is super cool and good at helping us. We helped set up the ward Easter egg hunt for the kiddos. After that we tried to see people, but that didn't really happen. We saw the Sullivans who are related to Dena and Marcus. They are hoping to start coming to church again soon. We went to the Mossers for dinner and had Brazilian hot dogs because Sister Mosser is from Brazil. I don't know what it was but it was DELICIOUS!!! so good! but their daughter, Isabella, said the prayer and asked that the other sister could come back soon.....riiiiigght. Feeling the love haha!
Sunday we had PEC and then went to choir practice. Both are SO different from Beaver it's freaky! haha! We taught primary after sacrament meeting. We had the 6-8 year old's and they were CRAZY! haha! So much fun. After church we went to an old lady's apartment and picked up some clothes for her because she is in the hospital. Yup. That is my week!
Pretty crazy how many tender mercies I have seen in the short week I've been here. I can't believe how merciful Heavenly Father has been to me so that I can have a smoother transition. I know I will grow to love this ward once I figure out where the heck I am! haha! i love you all and thank you so much for the prayers you offer in my behalf! I need them!
All my love,
Sister Kaitlyn Crockett
So Tuesday was a crazy day! Sister Hanseen and I went and saw Renea and Wendy before I left. They were both so sweet! I am going to miss working with them! We came back to our apartment and waited for Sister Walborn and Sister Larsen to show up then we hightailed it out of there. Sister Walborn and I had a super great talk. She said that as she was leaving her area, a member told her that the 1st year is for you. You figure out what you are doing as a missionary, you learn as much as you can and you find out more about the gospel. The last 6 months are for the Lord. This is where you really forget yourself and go to work. You give everything you have and you make it all about Him. His children, His investigators, His work.
So we got to transfers late, but not too bad. We just got a little lost in down town Pitt, no big deal haha! I saw Monty because she was GOING HOME!!!!!! My trainer is home now ): It's so weird! I remember joking with her that I would be at 11 months when she went home and that I would never reach that. But she is home now! *freaking out!* Anyway, so another sister and I headed down to Washington to meet our new companions! Sister Rock is so sweet! I know we are going to have a lot of fun! (: We went to dinner at the Lang's who are related to somebody from Beaver (all of the members in PA are related...it's just a fact). Then we headed off to Book of Mormon class at the church. We came home and I attempted to unpack.
Wednesday was stressful just because I felt like a greenie ALL over again. It's probably the best and worst things about transfers, new areas.One funny thing that I realized is that in my 1st area, I was by the Allegheny river, then Beaver is by the Ohio river, and now I am serving by the Monongahela river. The 3 main rivers in Pa haha! What on earth? After studies we had to feed our neighbors' chickens...that became quite the adventure later on.We ended up visiting a RC named Marissa who is hilarious. She is a little different but her love for the gospel is the same. Next we saw Sister Braddy who is less active. She served a mission in Brazil and loves to talk about her mission. She does still love the gospel but some trials in her life have stopped her and her husband from coming. I did learn something interesting as I was preparing for her lesson! We talked about hope and in True to the Faith it says that hope is active. Hope is active on both ends. We have to actively seek hope through scripture study, prayer, attending church etc and when we go through a trial hope kicks in and actively carries through the trials we can't face on our own! How awesome is that?
We saw Tim and Tanja, recent converts. They are so funny and we had a good discussion on fasting.
Thursday we visited Sue, a less active member. She is progressing quickly which is nice. She was a really strong member a while ago I guess. We talked about Conference and learned a lot from each other; those are the best lessons. Then it was time for District Meeting. President and Sister Topham were there for interviews. Sister Topham is so cute! haha! She was all excited about hashtags and memes that the church is putting out to flood social media for Easter. haha! The members of the district are Elder Green (6months), Elder Packard (18 months), Elder Klima (6 days) and Elder Jenkins (less than a year). Everyone is so little haha! I am OLD. haha! We saw a potential investigator named Sherrie and she has been going through a lot and so she shared a lot of what she has been facing. At the end she apologized for not allowing us to talk about God. She said next time we could have a discussion. So there is some potential there!
Friday was crazy! We went to a non member's house that Sue had referred the sisters to. They were fixing it up so that they could move in. We were helping them get their floors ready for carpeting. We walked in and asked Dena for some rags to wipe the floors down. She was crying and ended up telling up a lot of stuff that her and her family had been facing. She kept asking "Where was God then? I know He is real, but where was He then?" Sister Rock did awesome saying that people have their agency and sometimes we suffer because of their poor decisions. But God is always there to help us through those times because He loves us. She thanked us for coming to help and said that she knew we were sent to help them not just with the house but spiritually as well.
So we came home to a loose chicken. I herded her up the hill toward the cage but we had to refill the water dish. ALL OF THE CHICKENS ESCAPED!!!!!!! They are the dumbest animals I have ever seen! haha! It took forever to get them back and we couldn't catch 3 of them. So we did weekly planning and then went to the Bishop's house for dinner. We had a meeting before and it was pretty good.
Saturday the sun was shinning! (Today's the day! The sun is shinning! The tank is clean! *gasp* THE TANK IS CLEAN!!) We had correlation with our WML, Brother Wood, who served in this mission 3-5 years ago...weird? A little haha! But he is super cool and good at helping us. We helped set up the ward Easter egg hunt for the kiddos. After that we tried to see people, but that didn't really happen. We saw the Sullivans who are related to Dena and Marcus. They are hoping to start coming to church again soon. We went to the Mossers for dinner and had Brazilian hot dogs because Sister Mosser is from Brazil. I don't know what it was but it was DELICIOUS!!! so good! but their daughter, Isabella, said the prayer and asked that the other sister could come back soon.....riiiiigght. Feeling the love haha!
Sunday we had PEC and then went to choir practice. Both are SO different from Beaver it's freaky! haha! We taught primary after sacrament meeting. We had the 6-8 year old's and they were CRAZY! haha! So much fun. After church we went to an old lady's apartment and picked up some clothes for her because she is in the hospital. Yup. That is my week!
Pretty crazy how many tender mercies I have seen in the short week I've been here. I can't believe how merciful Heavenly Father has been to me so that I can have a smoother transition. I know I will grow to love this ward once I figure out where the heck I am! haha! i love you all and thank you so much for the prayers you offer in my behalf! I need them!
All my love,
Sister Kaitlyn Crockett
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Well, here it is again!! Another weekly email! This week has been AMAZING!!! SO many cool and exciting things! I can hardly contain myself! I'll jump right into them even though the rest of the email may be a tad boring. Sorry!!
First and foremost, it it is the end of my adventure in the Beaver Valley Ward. We got transfer calls on Sunday and it is time for me to leave. I don't know where I am going or how long I will be there, but this might be my last area 0.o weird. I am really sad to be leaving because I LOVE this place but I am so excited for the adventures that will come in the future. General Conference really helped me see that, but I will get to that in a second.
Second, Ummmm
Say what?!? We found out Friday night from our Sister Training Leaders that Elder Jeffrey R. Holland is making a stop in Pittsburgh to visit our mission. I am SO excited! How on earth did I luck out to see 2 Apostles of the Lord?!? I am so glad that I have this opportunity to sit at the feet of not just one but 2 of the Savior's special witnesses!!
Ok. Here we go.
Tuesday was long and pretty tiring. We went to correlation. After that we went to see a sweet old lady, Betty. She is living with her daughter and is very forgetful, but she is the sweetest thing ever. She said she still tries to read her scriptures and pray every day. Her non-member daughter even set up the Women's broadcast so that her mom could watch it. This family is amazing and I hope that the opportunity to teach them will arise. We then went and visited one of the Green's friends, Suzanne, and talked for a bit with her because she is laid up recovering from a foot surgery. We have been working with her slowly and hope to be able to teach her soon. We checked out the Humane Society for service opportunities, and there were plenty...but Sister Hanseen doesn't like dogs, so that didn't really work out too well haha! We visited the Green's to drop of a birthday present for Rachel. She is a funny kiddo. We went to dinner at the Weeks' house and we had a blast. Their daughter had voice lessons so we tagged along to walk with Sister Weeks and get to know her better.
Wednesday was "one of those days". We had District meeting which was actually really good. Then we went to Olive Garden and chatted with our District + Zone Leaders for the last time. After that chaos we saw Lorraine and Julian. They were crazy as usual haha! Oh they are goofy. We went to the DeBaker's and had dinner with them. She really is one of the sweetest people I know.
Thursday we did Mormon.org time then went to lunch with Sister Wright. We talked a lot about how the gospel gives us a rock in the world of shifting values. We talked about conference and how glad we were that it was coming up and being able to hear from the General Authorities of the church. We tried to visit people but no one was home and we got lost. It was not much fun because we just wandered around some cranny of Beaver Falls looking for people that had moved or the address was wrong. Plus, it was raining. Sister Hanseen wasn't feeling good after we visited Sister Rambo so we ended up back at our apartment about 4. I read my scriptures and cleaned the apartment a little bit while she slept it off. Poor thing.
Friday was a super weird day for me because Robyn was getting married while I was wandering around Pennsylvania. Umm ok hahah! We did Weekly Planning then went and talked with some people. We saw Char but she wasn't...umm doing well haha! I'll leave it at that. Then we went and helped Sister Wright pack some of her mom's stuff up. That was an adventure because her mom keeps anything and everything! haha! There were newspapers from the 80's....those were interesting haha! After we got home we got the call that Elder Holland is coming and I could hardly fall asleep that night haha! I am still so excited!
Saturday was SWEET! We went to Suzanne's house and helped her 15 year old daughter Emily get ready for her military ball. We had talked weeks ago about helping her get ready so it finally happened. We curled and styled her hair and it took and hour and a half! She has so much hair haha! But she looked really pretty at the end. We talked to Emily, Suzanne, and Suzanne's husband about what missionaries do and they were really interested in it. It's a really good start. As we were leaving to go to, they asked us to come back for pictures d: So we said if we had time we would. What I was referencing about how wonderful conference was earlier was that I had written down questions that I had and prayed about them. I expected some round about response that I could maybe tie to a talk that I heard but every question was boldly and beautifully answered; particularly in President Uchtdorf's. But every session contained something I needed to hear. It's really helped me re-charge and be excited for the future! As scary as it is, I know that I will be safe by following the Prophet and Apostles. We took pictures with Emily after the 1st session (which ends at 2 by the way...WEIRD) and then grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the church again. We watched the 2nd session there and it was great! After that, the Elders said that I was getting transferred. It wasn't official yet, but they had talked with the Zone Leaders who told them. I am scared and excited all at the same time. Another roller coaster ride and more people to reach!
Sunday was interesting haha! We went to Stake choir. As we were singing "There Is A Green Hill Far Away" I teared up thinking about how much my Savior loves me and how far He was willing to go to save my wayward soul. The Spirit was so strong at that moment and He testified that the Atonement is real. After practice, we watched the next session of conference at the Green's because a power line had fallen down at the church. The Green's tv wasn't working so we watched it on her iPhone haha! But yet, the Spirit could still testify of truth, even on a mini screen. After the session we booked it to the McBrides. We ate waffles and watched Conference. It was a mad house afterwards with the Elders, their Recent Convert, Jordan, and Nate and Nick who are 17 and 15. They ended up in one big pile by the end of the session hahah! Boys. Never change. Then we went to the Weeks' to say goodbye. They are really sweet and said they wanted me to stop by after my mission because I was always welcome there.
This ward has made such an impact on my life and I am so grateful for the time I was able to spend here. There are such amazing families that have helped me through some of my trials mostly without noticing it. The Greens, The Weeks, The DeBakers, ALLLL of the Neeleys haha! Such great families that have made a difference in my life and mission. It's funny how there are people in our lives that are the main characters in their lives, but back ground to ours. Until we take the time to hear what they have to say, they remain in the back ground. You never meet someone by accident. My mission has, thus far, been the most amazing periods of my life. I have learned so much about myself, the gospel, people, and my Savior and His Atonement. I would never trade these experiences no matter how much they "cost" me. The load I have, as Elder Bednar discussed in his talk, has led me to the person I am today. Imperfect, but being refined.
I hope you all enjoyed conference!! Have a great week!!
With love,
Sister Kaitlyn Crockett
First and foremost, it it is the end of my adventure in the Beaver Valley Ward. We got transfer calls on Sunday and it is time for me to leave. I don't know where I am going or how long I will be there, but this might be my last area 0.o weird. I am really sad to be leaving because I LOVE this place but I am so excited for the adventures that will come in the future. General Conference really helped me see that, but I will get to that in a second.
Second, Ummmm
Say what?!? We found out Friday night from our Sister Training Leaders that Elder Jeffrey R. Holland is making a stop in Pittsburgh to visit our mission. I am SO excited! How on earth did I luck out to see 2 Apostles of the Lord?!? I am so glad that I have this opportunity to sit at the feet of not just one but 2 of the Savior's special witnesses!!
Ok. Here we go.
Tuesday was long and pretty tiring. We went to correlation. After that we went to see a sweet old lady, Betty. She is living with her daughter and is very forgetful, but she is the sweetest thing ever. She said she still tries to read her scriptures and pray every day. Her non-member daughter even set up the Women's broadcast so that her mom could watch it. This family is amazing and I hope that the opportunity to teach them will arise. We then went and visited one of the Green's friends, Suzanne, and talked for a bit with her because she is laid up recovering from a foot surgery. We have been working with her slowly and hope to be able to teach her soon. We checked out the Humane Society for service opportunities, and there were plenty...but Sister Hanseen doesn't like dogs, so that didn't really work out too well haha! We visited the Green's to drop of a birthday present for Rachel. She is a funny kiddo. We went to dinner at the Weeks' house and we had a blast. Their daughter had voice lessons so we tagged along to walk with Sister Weeks and get to know her better.
Wednesday was "one of those days". We had District meeting which was actually really good. Then we went to Olive Garden and chatted with our District + Zone Leaders for the last time. After that chaos we saw Lorraine and Julian. They were crazy as usual haha! Oh they are goofy. We went to the DeBaker's and had dinner with them. She really is one of the sweetest people I know.
Thursday we did Mormon.org time then went to lunch with Sister Wright. We talked a lot about how the gospel gives us a rock in the world of shifting values. We talked about conference and how glad we were that it was coming up and being able to hear from the General Authorities of the church. We tried to visit people but no one was home and we got lost. It was not much fun because we just wandered around some cranny of Beaver Falls looking for people that had moved or the address was wrong. Plus, it was raining. Sister Hanseen wasn't feeling good after we visited Sister Rambo so we ended up back at our apartment about 4. I read my scriptures and cleaned the apartment a little bit while she slept it off. Poor thing.
Friday was a super weird day for me because Robyn was getting married while I was wandering around Pennsylvania. Umm ok hahah! We did Weekly Planning then went and talked with some people. We saw Char but she wasn't...umm doing well haha! I'll leave it at that. Then we went and helped Sister Wright pack some of her mom's stuff up. That was an adventure because her mom keeps anything and everything! haha! There were newspapers from the 80's....those were interesting haha! After we got home we got the call that Elder Holland is coming and I could hardly fall asleep that night haha! I am still so excited!
Saturday was SWEET! We went to Suzanne's house and helped her 15 year old daughter Emily get ready for her military ball. We had talked weeks ago about helping her get ready so it finally happened. We curled and styled her hair and it took and hour and a half! She has so much hair haha! But she looked really pretty at the end. We talked to Emily, Suzanne, and Suzanne's husband about what missionaries do and they were really interested in it. It's a really good start. As we were leaving to go to, they asked us to come back for pictures d: So we said if we had time we would. What I was referencing about how wonderful conference was earlier was that I had written down questions that I had and prayed about them. I expected some round about response that I could maybe tie to a talk that I heard but every question was boldly and beautifully answered; particularly in President Uchtdorf's. But every session contained something I needed to hear. It's really helped me re-charge and be excited for the future! As scary as it is, I know that I will be safe by following the Prophet and Apostles. We took pictures with Emily after the 1st session (which ends at 2 by the way...WEIRD) and then grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the church again. We watched the 2nd session there and it was great! After that, the Elders said that I was getting transferred. It wasn't official yet, but they had talked with the Zone Leaders who told them. I am scared and excited all at the same time. Another roller coaster ride and more people to reach!
Sunday was interesting haha! We went to Stake choir. As we were singing "There Is A Green Hill Far Away" I teared up thinking about how much my Savior loves me and how far He was willing to go to save my wayward soul. The Spirit was so strong at that moment and He testified that the Atonement is real. After practice, we watched the next session of conference at the Green's because a power line had fallen down at the church. The Green's tv wasn't working so we watched it on her iPhone haha! But yet, the Spirit could still testify of truth, even on a mini screen. After the session we booked it to the McBrides. We ate waffles and watched Conference. It was a mad house afterwards with the Elders, their Recent Convert, Jordan, and Nate and Nick who are 17 and 15. They ended up in one big pile by the end of the session hahah! Boys. Never change. Then we went to the Weeks' to say goodbye. They are really sweet and said they wanted me to stop by after my mission because I was always welcome there.
This ward has made such an impact on my life and I am so grateful for the time I was able to spend here. There are such amazing families that have helped me through some of my trials mostly without noticing it. The Greens, The Weeks, The DeBakers, ALLLL of the Neeleys haha! Such great families that have made a difference in my life and mission. It's funny how there are people in our lives that are the main characters in their lives, but back ground to ours. Until we take the time to hear what they have to say, they remain in the back ground. You never meet someone by accident. My mission has, thus far, been the most amazing periods of my life. I have learned so much about myself, the gospel, people, and my Savior and His Atonement. I would never trade these experiences no matter how much they "cost" me. The load I have, as Elder Bednar discussed in his talk, has led me to the person I am today. Imperfect, but being refined.
I hope you all enjoyed conference!! Have a great week!!
With love,
Sister Kaitlyn Crockett
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Every Week Seems to be Going Faster
Well, the end of March is quickly approaching!! And we had snow on Sunday...not. okay. I thought spring was supposed to exist out here!! haha! Not seeing it yet! Just looks pretty dead to me! But the weather is starting to warm up and that is definitely a perk! I am so happy that I will be able to see the seasons!! *fingers crossed*
So this week was pretty standard. Pretty slow as far as missionary work goes, but it was alright. Always another week! Weird thing! My trainer, Sister Montgomery, is going home on the 9th of April!! We always joked about her going home when I hit 11 months and how far away it seemed! But here we are...she is going home and I am looking to hit my year mark at the end of April. How does this even happen?!
Tuesday we went to correlation and what can I say? It's pretty boring when you talk about the same things over and over again every week for 5 month. We had lunch afterwards and then went to Lorraine's. We showed her a Mormon message from Russel M. Nelson about the human body and she really liked how much sense it made. It is so interesting to see her making progress. Mind you it has been slow progress, but it has been one of those miracles I am grateful to have been able to witness. She has a long way to go, but she now has a real intent to come to church and have a connection again with Heavenly Father, which is amazing.
After dinner, we went to clean up our area book with Sister Green. We drove around Midland to find a woman who is now Presbyterian and the other one who is hanging out in Beaver Falls but her mom "didn't know" where she lived. Oh it was frustrating, but it is all apart of missionary work! We saw Rasheda briefly as we were in the neighborhood, but she wasn't really in the mood to talk. She is struggling a little bit, but I know that these trials will make her so much stronger!
Wednesday was District Meeting and the Cranberry Sisters are doing so much better! They are fine and got a new car that day. After lunch and everything, we went to New Brighton to clean up the names and no one was homes. We only got information on one lady who lives in a trailer...oh goody hahaha! Pennsylvania man...they are one of a kind. haha! We then came home and Bishop and Sister Weeks picked us up and took us to dinner and then we met up with the Elders. We all drove down to Hookstown to help the 2nd counselor move. It was a long night but we had a lot of fun packing up the kitchen (seriously, when I get home, if you EVER need help with packing a kitchen, I'm going to be the person to call, hahahaha!)
Thursday we cleaned up some more of Midland with Sister La Fond. I dunno, pretty standard haha! We got home and right as we pulled up, we got a media referral for some one in Midland...which is a good ways away. We took lunch and then did some Mormon.org time. I spent my time looking at Family History and man....what a task!! There is NO way I am going to be able to do that hahahah! It looks so complicated and I don't know how on earth I am going to find any one at any time haha! We then drove to Midland and tried to find this referral for a girl named Amanda. We knocked on her apartment door and didn't get an answer so we knocked on her neighbors' doors and no one answered. So we went back to the car and Sister Hanseen asked to take a look inside the little cafe next door. So we go inside and ask the girl at the register if she knew anyone that lived in the apartments next door. She said she only knew one. We asked if it was Amanda and she said "Yes, actually, she is sitting right over there." So we walked over to her and she said that her formerly LDS friend liked to play pranks on her and so that is why we got the referral. She didn't end up being interested, but it was cool to be able to contact her quickly without being left to wonder if she was ever a potential! Even though that was probably THE most awkward contact I have ever had on my mission haha! We started toward Beaver Falls when we got a call from the Elders. They needed a ride back to their apartment because they had been dropped off at the church and Elder Waddoups had food poisoning. Oh goody. So we did what we needed to in Beaver Falls then headed back to the church. They both didn't look very good so I am glad that we were able to help them out. We stopped by Lorraine's again to help her set up her computer and printer and she ordered us a pizza....but we were on our way to a dinner appointment haha! She made us take a slice and soda before we left. Whatevs I guess haha! So if I come back 900 pounds...blame the peeps here who are feeding us CONSTANTLY hahaha! We went to the DeBaker's for dinner and Shyanne was home! That was a lot of fun. Sister DeBaker trimmed my hair while we were there because it was getting NASTY. She is the sweetest thing. She gave each of us a bottle of hair protein that is super expensive and awesome. Man, I feel so spoiled here!
Friday was not a typical day for us. We did weekly planning and then we found out that we had to get our car inspected and have emissions run so we could continue to drive it! So we drove to Monroe's and they said it would be an hour. So we saw Wendy for a bit. She is having a lot of health problems. She told us that Mel, her husband, switched his days off so she can now come to church!! We were so excited for her because once she gets feeling better, she can attend more regularly! We went back to Monroe's and they said they would take our car and inspect it but it would take about an hour. So we started walking...around Beaver Falls...yeah. If I never do that again, it won't really be a problem haha! There was NOTHING to see there. We tried furniture stores, pet stores, clothing stores....you name it. There was NOTHING hahha! So we passed by this one restaurant and we were starving. We sat in Monroe's for a bit but they hadn't even gotten to our car yet! So we decided to go eat. Right as we ordered, Sister Weeks texted us and asked if we had a dinner appointment. We didn't so she told us to come over, they were having a missionary that had once served here come back and have dinner with them. So we agreed. We nibbled our dinner at the restaurant then picked up our car, picked up the dinner that Sister Biernesser had made, then headed to the Weeks.
Saturday was crazy as well. We had an appointment with Rasheda and Ruthy was going to take us. But we got a call from Lowe's saying they had our washer and dryer ready to be delivered, right in the time that we had scheduled Rasheda's lesson. So we told Ruthy and she said that was fine but we showed come to lunch. So we tried some people in Beaver Falls then went to Ruthy's. Ryan served in Italy and made us a legitimate Italian meal like 5-coarse meal! It was so good!!! The Elders were there and we had a lot of fun talking about missions and things. Then we had to rush back to get our washer and dryer. HALLELUJAH!!!!! I have never been more happy to do laundry in my life!!!!! haha! Then we went to the Weeks to help them with some community service. (We were still cutting out z's for the Beaver Musical). haha! They are so funny. Sister Weeks kept trying to make us food but we were heading to the Green's for dinner shortly after! She is so funny that way (: So we went to the Green's and ate dinner then watched the General Women's Broadcast. One of their cousins was watching it and said "Do you think that there is a group of men trying to get in to this meeting?" hahahahah! No...no I don't think so haha! So silly. I really enjoyed the broadcast (: It made me happy! I am SO stoked for General Conference this coming week!!! Hurray!
Sunday, we had meetings and church. Yup, pretty standard haha! I love getting to partake of the sacrament and fast! It is such a wonderful experience that I always took for granted. After church, we visited Sister Smego then went to the Biernesser's for dinner. Next was Stake Choir and that was so great. I love being able to participate in this because the music is amazing. I probably won't be able to sing in the performance, but being able to rehearse has been amazing. I love music and the Spirit that comes from singing praises to Heavenly Father. I don't have a good voice, but being able to feel the love that God has for me, through music, and praising Him for all of the wonders that He gives us is truly a spiritual and profound experience. I know that Sister K. Neeley really helps bring that as we talk about what the lyrics mean before we sing. It is so amazing, I can't even describe it.
Well, that pretty much wraps up my week!! Thank you so much for the support that you have given me as I have been learning! This is has been a WONDERFUL yet trying experience. Talk about the refining fire. Every week seems to go by faster but I am so excited for the things I will continue to learn as I serve. Love you all SO much!!
Sister Kaitlyn Crockett
So this week was pretty standard. Pretty slow as far as missionary work goes, but it was alright. Always another week! Weird thing! My trainer, Sister Montgomery, is going home on the 9th of April!! We always joked about her going home when I hit 11 months and how far away it seemed! But here we are...she is going home and I am looking to hit my year mark at the end of April. How does this even happen?!
Tuesday we went to correlation and what can I say? It's pretty boring when you talk about the same things over and over again every week for 5 month. We had lunch afterwards and then went to Lorraine's. We showed her a Mormon message from Russel M. Nelson about the human body and she really liked how much sense it made. It is so interesting to see her making progress. Mind you it has been slow progress, but it has been one of those miracles I am grateful to have been able to witness. She has a long way to go, but she now has a real intent to come to church and have a connection again with Heavenly Father, which is amazing.
After dinner, we went to clean up our area book with Sister Green. We drove around Midland to find a woman who is now Presbyterian and the other one who is hanging out in Beaver Falls but her mom "didn't know" where she lived. Oh it was frustrating, but it is all apart of missionary work! We saw Rasheda briefly as we were in the neighborhood, but she wasn't really in the mood to talk. She is struggling a little bit, but I know that these trials will make her so much stronger!
Wednesday was District Meeting and the Cranberry Sisters are doing so much better! They are fine and got a new car that day. After lunch and everything, we went to New Brighton to clean up the names and no one was homes. We only got information on one lady who lives in a trailer...oh goody hahaha! Pennsylvania man...they are one of a kind. haha! We then came home and Bishop and Sister Weeks picked us up and took us to dinner and then we met up with the Elders. We all drove down to Hookstown to help the 2nd counselor move. It was a long night but we had a lot of fun packing up the kitchen (seriously, when I get home, if you EVER need help with packing a kitchen, I'm going to be the person to call, hahahaha!)
Thursday we cleaned up some more of Midland with Sister La Fond. I dunno, pretty standard haha! We got home and right as we pulled up, we got a media referral for some one in Midland...which is a good ways away. We took lunch and then did some Mormon.org time. I spent my time looking at Family History and man....what a task!! There is NO way I am going to be able to do that hahahah! It looks so complicated and I don't know how on earth I am going to find any one at any time haha! We then drove to Midland and tried to find this referral for a girl named Amanda. We knocked on her apartment door and didn't get an answer so we knocked on her neighbors' doors and no one answered. So we went back to the car and Sister Hanseen asked to take a look inside the little cafe next door. So we go inside and ask the girl at the register if she knew anyone that lived in the apartments next door. She said she only knew one. We asked if it was Amanda and she said "Yes, actually, she is sitting right over there." So we walked over to her and she said that her formerly LDS friend liked to play pranks on her and so that is why we got the referral. She didn't end up being interested, but it was cool to be able to contact her quickly without being left to wonder if she was ever a potential! Even though that was probably THE most awkward contact I have ever had on my mission haha! We started toward Beaver Falls when we got a call from the Elders. They needed a ride back to their apartment because they had been dropped off at the church and Elder Waddoups had food poisoning. Oh goody. So we did what we needed to in Beaver Falls then headed back to the church. They both didn't look very good so I am glad that we were able to help them out. We stopped by Lorraine's again to help her set up her computer and printer and she ordered us a pizza....but we were on our way to a dinner appointment haha! She made us take a slice and soda before we left. Whatevs I guess haha! So if I come back 900 pounds...blame the peeps here who are feeding us CONSTANTLY hahaha! We went to the DeBaker's for dinner and Shyanne was home! That was a lot of fun. Sister DeBaker trimmed my hair while we were there because it was getting NASTY. She is the sweetest thing. She gave each of us a bottle of hair protein that is super expensive and awesome. Man, I feel so spoiled here!
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Sister Crockett with the DeBaker family. |
Saturday was crazy as well. We had an appointment with Rasheda and Ruthy was going to take us. But we got a call from Lowe's saying they had our washer and dryer ready to be delivered, right in the time that we had scheduled Rasheda's lesson. So we told Ruthy and she said that was fine but we showed come to lunch. So we tried some people in Beaver Falls then went to Ruthy's. Ryan served in Italy and made us a legitimate Italian meal like 5-coarse meal! It was so good!!! The Elders were there and we had a lot of fun talking about missions and things. Then we had to rush back to get our washer and dryer. HALLELUJAH!!!!! I have never been more happy to do laundry in my life!!!!! haha! Then we went to the Weeks to help them with some community service. (We were still cutting out z's for the Beaver Musical). haha! They are so funny. Sister Weeks kept trying to make us food but we were heading to the Green's for dinner shortly after! She is so funny that way (: So we went to the Green's and ate dinner then watched the General Women's Broadcast. One of their cousins was watching it and said "Do you think that there is a group of men trying to get in to this meeting?" hahahahah! No...no I don't think so haha! So silly. I really enjoyed the broadcast (: It made me happy! I am SO stoked for General Conference this coming week!!! Hurray!
Sunday, we had meetings and church. Yup, pretty standard haha! I love getting to partake of the sacrament and fast! It is such a wonderful experience that I always took for granted. After church, we visited Sister Smego then went to the Biernesser's for dinner. Next was Stake Choir and that was so great. I love being able to participate in this because the music is amazing. I probably won't be able to sing in the performance, but being able to rehearse has been amazing. I love music and the Spirit that comes from singing praises to Heavenly Father. I don't have a good voice, but being able to feel the love that God has for me, through music, and praising Him for all of the wonders that He gives us is truly a spiritual and profound experience. I know that Sister K. Neeley really helps bring that as we talk about what the lyrics mean before we sing. It is so amazing, I can't even describe it.
Well, that pretty much wraps up my week!! Thank you so much for the support that you have given me as I have been learning! This is has been a WONDERFUL yet trying experience. Talk about the refining fire. Every week seems to go by faster but I am so excited for the things I will continue to learn as I serve. Love you all SO much!!
Sister Kaitlyn Crockett
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